
An Oregon Cottage: Simple Homemade Life

Hi, I'm Jami and I love to share simple real food recipes, easy gardening tips, and the best, quickest ways to preserve seasonal food. In my emails you'll find behind the scenes news from the farmhouse and doable, delicious recipes for every stage of life straight to your inbox!

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🤩 Hello September food!

Some links in this email are affiliate links- if you click through and purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.* Hi Reader, I think this month may be my favorite month for cooking. So.many.things. are coming in from the garden or can be had at farm stands the cheapest you'll see them. Tomatoes, corn, green beans, zucchini, basil, peppers - lots of my favorite recipes taste best with these fresh right now (details in this month's menu!). I've even been grabbing a...

Some links in this email are affiliate links- if you click through and purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.* Hi Reader, It's unofficially the end of summer here in the PNW with the kids and teachers heading back to school after Labor Day - but gardens in our climate always grow really well all through September, so the summer harvests keep to the official calendar end of summer around the 20th. 😀 Since you've been hearing a lot about this year's "season of the...

Some links in this email are affiliate links- if you click through and purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.* Hi Reader, Well, well, well. As if the deer, gophers, moles, and ground squirrels weren't enough animals to eat/damage our produce the birds decided to join in! We've had pecks and holes on things in the past, but there was always enough left for us that it hasn't been an issue. Until now... Do you remember the photo of our grapevine loaded with large...

Some links in this email are affiliate links- if you click through and purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.* Hi Reader, We got back from our vacation at the lake (the menu worked great, btw!) to find the garden BURSTING with ripe tomatoes and a TON of green beans. There is a good harvest of both onions (it's been a really good year for them - some are SO huge!) and peppers, so I'll be making the first batches of salsa this weekend for sure. 😀 I'll be freezing...

Some links in this email are affiliate links- if you click through and purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.* Hi Reader, We've finally started to get bigger harvests from the garden! The beans are really producing now, I've got a large bowl of tomatoes ripening on the island, and I've been having fresh blackberries on my granola.💜 The past few meals I've been able to say that all the produce has come from the garden, everything for the pico de gallo, cumin slaw,...

Some links in this email are affiliate links- if you click through and purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.* Hi Reader, Oh, gosh, I am so sorry for the headache of last week's broken url to my newly redesigned site! At one point I was talking to my email provider, my ad company, and my developer to figure out why it was happening - and ONLY on the main url, - all the links directly to certain pages DID work. 🤷♀️ As you can imagine, it was a...

Some links in this email are affiliate links- if you click through and purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.* Hi Reader, For the past few months I've been working behind the scenes on a website redesign, one that is more user-friendly and makes it easier to find things on the site. And it's now LIVE! It just went up this week and my developer and I have been tweaking and fixing things the past few days so I could announce it today. 😀 I hope you will visit An...

Some links in this email are affiliate links- if you click through and purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.* Hi Reader, I hope you're keeping cool! Looking at the weather map of the US, the entire thing is orange and red except for Alaska, so I think we're all having similar summer weather. 😀 (Not complaining, though - I do enjoy summer!) So, after gushing last week about how nicely the sunken garden has grown (and in a more detailed blog post - see below), I...

Some links in this email are affiliate links- if you click through and purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.* Hi Reader, Happy mid-summer! I hope you are managing to stay cool and keep any plants alive you have growing.😎 I've been a watering machine, that's for sure, but I've still lost a few things (mainly new plantings - a couple of the new berries and some milkweed plants I was trying to grow too far from the house). Last week I showed you the state of the...

Some links in this email are affiliate links- if you click through and purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.* Hi Reader, I hope you're having a good 4th of July weekend! We spent a few days at the coast with family eating great food and watching fireworks in 70-80 degree weather before heading home Friday to the first of 5 days of 100 degrees in the valley where we live. 😳 Picture me watering everything. 😂 Thankfully, it's still supposed to get into the 50s at...