👩‍🌾 Early summer garden & recipes.

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Hi Reader,

I hope you're having a good 4th of July weekend! We spent a few days at the coast with family eating great food and watching fireworks in 70-80 degree weather before heading home Friday to the first of 5 days of 100 degrees in the valley where we live. 😳

Picture me watering everything. 😂 Thankfully, it's still supposed to get into the 50s at night, so we should be able to cool off some in between. Thankful for air conditioning and praying that no new fires start in Oregon!

The vegetable garden is doing well, though, and hopefully after this little blip will have time to continue ripening the peppers and tomatoes and start growing some beans, zucchini, and cucumbers.

Here's the state of the veggie garden early summer:

22+ Ways to Preserve Basil (and Pesto isn't one of them!)

Ultimate Sweet Pepper Guide - Grow, Harvest, Cook & Preserve

Ultimate Hot Pepper Guide - Grow, Harvest, Cook & Preserve

How to plant tomatoes so they thrive (and why I use the red plastic mulch!).

I started these under cover like I wrote about here, then switched to the insect netting you see above when it got hot. Growing them under cover all the time isn't as pretty but the produce is SO clean! No aphids on the broccoli and very few cabbage worms (a few do manage to find their way under...).

How to Grow Table Grapes - so easy (just keep the birds away, lol).

This year I experimented with letting one vine from the grapes grow along the fence instead of keeping all of them on the arbor and it's producing a lot more grapes! Now just to keep the birds and deer away (some are growing on the outside of the fence...).


What I'm Making This Week

With the hot weather this week, it's no cook or make-ahead-cook-in-the-morning menu that I pulled from the July Dinner Ideas list. I hope this is helpful for you if you're dealing with hot weather, too!

Chicken Skewers with Teriyaki Sauce, rice, and garden salad with Sesame Vinaigrette

Steak Salad with Creamy Garlic-Pepper Dressing

Served with grilled garlic toast.

Grilled salmon burgers (Costco), Slow Cooker Honey Baked Beans, Caesar Slaw

Spicy Chicken Noodle Salad

One dish dinner - make it in the cool morning!

Taco salad (made with ground turkey) with Healthier French American Dressing

Plus 10-Minute Homemade Chips (or store bought) & The Best Chunky Guacamole

Remember it's easy to save recipes on An Oregon Cottage! Just click the heart when browsing to save your personal favorites!

TIP: when you click on the link, it will take you to my site - click the heart like you see here to the left - it will be on the bottom right on the site. A pop up form will come up for you to create an account (or sign in if you already have). You need to create a password for this account (no info is kept besides your email) and then you can save all recipes and articles to this account and access it anytime to remember what you want and choose what to make!

From The Blog

Good Things List No.74

North Cascades National Park, Pain Relief, Anti-Bark Device, Books & More!

No Bake Blueberry Pie (lower sugar)

Such a great hot summer dessert!!

A Few More Things

This is the only thing that has ever gotten my white things white again (and keeps them white) besides nasty bleach which I don't want to use. If you have white things and don't know about this, grab some!

We love our Blackstone Griddle and it's the only way we "grill" anymore - no more burned-on-the-outside-raw-in-the-middle chicken! We don't need a basket for grilled veggies and we've made other things on it, too. But I don't think we're getting all the use out of it, so I am interested in this cookbook - if you have it or recommend another, let me know!

Stay cool, friend!

P.S. Don't forget to save your recipe and gardening tips to easily organize them and find them in the future! (Also, this is a way to help my site - "voting" for favorites shows Google and Ad people that you like my content, like the recipe ratings and reviews do. 😀)

*You can read An Oregon Cottage's full disclosure policy here.

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An Oregon Cottage: Simple Homemade Life

Hi, I'm Jami and I love to share simple real food recipes, easy gardening tips, and the best, quickest ways to preserve seasonal food. In my emails you'll find behind the scenes news from the farmhouse and doable, delicious recipes for every stage of life straight to your inbox!

Read more from An Oregon Cottage: Simple Homemade Life

Some links in this email are affiliate links- if you click through and purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.* Hi Reader, This next week really is officially fall and our weather has turned definitely autumnal with rain, clouds and 60s-70s. Today we've got sun for the first time in a few days, but the high is only going to be 73. So I can't deny it any longer - summer is gone. 😞 So what's a summer girl to do? I know, let's start a new outdoor project, quick before...

Some links in this email are affiliate links- if you click through and purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.* Hi Reader, I think this month may be my favorite month for cooking. So.many.things. are coming in from the garden or can be had at farm stands the cheapest you'll see them. Tomatoes, corn, green beans, zucchini, basil, peppers - lots of my favorite recipes taste best with these fresh right now (details in this month's menu!). I've even been grabbing a...

Some links in this email are affiliate links- if you click through and purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.* Hi Reader, It's unofficially the end of summer here in the PNW with the kids and teachers heading back to school after Labor Day - but gardens in our climate always grow really well all through September, so the summer harvests keep to the official calendar end of summer around the 20th. 😀 Since you've been hearing a lot about this year's "season of the...