🤩 Hello September food!

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Hi Reader,

I think this month may be my favorite month for cooking. So.many.things. are coming in from the garden or can be had at farm stands the cheapest you'll see them.

Tomatoes, corn, green beans, zucchini, basil, peppers - lots of my favorite recipes taste best with these fresh right now (details in this month's menu!).

I've even been grabbing a handful of ripe strawberries every other day from my everbearing plants. That's one of the reasons I garden, right there - just can't be beat, can it?

Even with the hot weather we've been having the last few days here in the western US, the garden is still providing. Thankfully, it wasn't as hot as they predicted - one day we topped at 93 and the other at 89. And the smoke from the wildfires (some have been going since June!) wasn't too bad in our area so we could still have the windows open in the mornings and evenings (which cooled nicely!).

With the new month comes a new menu and seasonal menu ideas, so I'm again picking out some dinners I will be making over the next week or so that are both easy (it's busy keeping up with all the produce!) and yummy.

September Dinners

Sausage and Corn Stuffed Zucchini

This is so good that even zucchini-adverse Brian happily eats it. Which is good, because I'm making it anyway, ha! I'll serve with bread and sliced tomatoes.

Fresh Roasted Tomato Sauce (and to Freeze)

I will be making as many batches of this as I can (I eat it by the spoonful - SO GOOD), so adding ground meat and pasta to it one night is a no-brainer.

Greek Style Pasta Salad

Highlighting garden green beans, tomatoes, and onions, this also includes protein for a one-dish meal. I will use a protein pasta and serve it on spinach for more veggies.

Salmon & Veggie Frittata with Creamy Feta Sauce

This is such a delicious, protein-rich way to use leftover salmon or canned salmon! I'll serve with sliced tomatoes and baby spinach I'm harvesting this week.

From The Blog

Good Things List No.76

Laying gravel in the garden (finally!) with tips, our first fruit tree harvest (I know!!), life changing oven thermometer (well, my baking life), and all the other good things!

Roasted Salsa Verde Recipe (Tomatillos OR Green Tomatoes)

I'm updating this classic (2015!) recipe with clearer steps, more FAQs, and testimonials. Was supposed to be done this week, but...ha! You can always go see - hopefully it will be refreshed soon!

A Few More Things

Someone asked to see the small footed wood tray I mentioned last week - how I was using it next to the sink. So here are some shots from both sides (since it sits on an island):

See that brown L-shaped brush? That's been the best brush for quickly washing out mason jars before canning! It's included in this set here.

One of our Labor Day activities was visiting thrift stores with our daughter and her boyfriend. You probably remember how we enjoy this wherever we are - how fun that they wanted to join us! 💜 Anyway, one of my finds was a Cusinart Ice Cream maker for just $13.49! I had seriously been eyeing one (on sale here) after paying $8 for a tub of ice cream with some ingredients I wish weren't in there. The tub is in the freezer and I'm making my first batch tonight - I'll report back next week!

I also got a handful of stainless steel straws - again right before I pulled the trigger on ordering some! I find it much easier to drink a lot of water through a straw and only had one stainless and a few big glass straws for smoothies. Plus I found a vintage looking wood frame for a painting I needed - it was a good thrift day! (AND - I'm wearing a thrifted skirt and tank top while I'm writing this! 😀)

Hope you have a great week!

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TIP: when you click on the link, it will take you to my site - click the heart like you see here to the left - it will be on the bottom right on the site. A pop up form will come up for you to create an account (or sign in if you already have). You need to create a password for this account (no info is kept besides your email) and then you can save all recipes and articles to this account and access it anytime to remember what you want and choose what to make!

*You can read An Oregon Cottage's full disclosure policy here.

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An Oregon Cottage: Simple Homemade Life

Hi, I'm Jami and I love to share simple real food recipes, easy gardening tips, and the best, quickest ways to preserve seasonal food. In my emails you'll find behind the scenes news from the farmhouse and doable, delicious recipes for every stage of life straight to your inbox!

Read more from An Oregon Cottage: Simple Homemade Life

Some links in this email are affiliate links- if you click through and purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.* Hi Reader, This next week really is officially fall and our weather has turned definitely autumnal with rain, clouds and 60s-70s. Today we've got sun for the first time in a few days, but the high is only going to be 73. So I can't deny it any longer - summer is gone. 😞 So what's a summer girl to do? I know, let's start a new outdoor project, quick before...

Some links in this email are affiliate links- if you click through and purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.* Hi Reader, It's unofficially the end of summer here in the PNW with the kids and teachers heading back to school after Labor Day - but gardens in our climate always grow really well all through September, so the summer harvests keep to the official calendar end of summer around the 20th. 😀 Since you've been hearing a lot about this year's "season of the...

Some links in this email are affiliate links- if you click through and purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.* Hi Reader, Well, well, well. As if the deer, gophers, moles, and ground squirrels weren't enough animals to eat/damage our produce the birds decided to join in! We've had pecks and holes on things in the past, but there was always enough left for us that it hasn't been an issue. Until now... Do you remember the photo of our grapevine loaded with large...